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Due to the harder lockdown in Kushtia to prevent the spread of coronavirus, there are no even light vehicles on the city roads. Now, the only means of transport for people read more
Kushtia 250-bed General Hospital has been declared Corona Dedicated. The health Directorate in Dhaka has confirmed the matter to the Kushtia general hospital authority today (Friday). From now on only
The Islamic University (IU) authority has taken decision to hold its honours, masters and all pending examinations of different departments after Eid-ul-Azha holiday. The decision was taken at 120th Academic
The detection rate of Covid-19 has decreased in the last 24 hours in Kushtia. One person has died within the period. On the other hand, Mirpur municipal area of ​​Mirpur
A Union Parsihad (UP) chairman and his men killed a young man dubbing him a fish stealer in Khoksa Upazila in Kushtia. The accused chairman is Ayub Ali Biswas of
Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) of police Shoumen Kumar Roy lone accused in triple murder in Kushtia has admitted his guilty in court. He told that he carried out incident out of anger.
Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police (ASI) Shoumen Kumar Roy has been sacked from Khulna Range Police for his reported killing three people in broad day light in Kushtia. At the same
Now all three including a woman her 7-year old son and a well-wisher was with them ared. They were shot in broad daylight in the mid of the day. The
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